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    2014-12-22 08:27
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    发表于 2015-1-9 08:17:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    阅读部分  听力部分
    阅读部分讲到了关于cheatgrass影响动植物生长,给出了三个建议:  听力中,教授对此提出了反驳。
    1.用这个喂动物。  1.动物不喜欢吃这个,他们会选择先吃其他的植物,cheatgrass也会吃,但是吃的并不多。
    2.用火烧。  2.cheatgrass会留下种子,几年以后又会长出来,所以并没有什么影响。
    3.引进和他对立的真菌。  3.cheatgrass已经和真菌一起生长了几千年,会进化出来方法抵抗真菌,真菌只能杀死weak或者sick的cheatgrass
    题目  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Being creative, rather than planning carefully more often results in the best solution of a problem. http://toefl.shanghai.gedu.org/xiezuo/

    简析  这道题整体上偏向不同意,理由如下:
    参考思路  1. 让步段先承认being creative的重要性。创造性的思维能够帮助人们打破局限,找到更高效的解决方案help people think out of box and find effective solutions。这里我们给出一个例子:在网络购物还没有盛行的过去,大多数书本仅在书店销售,有很大的局限性there was a limited space to store books and a limited radius of potential customers, 随后Amazon利用网络销售图书,不仅解决了上述问题,也缔造了亚马逊的成功。
    2. 但 是,往往周密的计划更有效,因为能大幅提高productivity and efficiency。Planning is leveraged time, lacking this step, any good idea from brainstorm maybe fruitless.
    3. 引用general Eisenhower 的一句话, in preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable。 When finding solutions to a problem, a careful plan is like a strong shield protecting us from going into chaos, while creativity is like a sharp spear helping us solve problems efficiently.所以这两者并不矛盾,最好的方法就是the best solution to a problem always comes up when planning carefully and thinking creatively work together.

    阅读部分  听力部分
    阅读部分讲到了古巴比伦的空中花园hanging gardens bobylon king 是存在的,证据如下:  听力中,教授对此提出了反驳。
    1.许多ancient Greek historian对于空中花园的描述很详细,而且彼此之间没有太大的出入。
       1.空中花园在巴比伦,但是巴比伦文献中对其他建筑都有,却没有对空中花园的描述,而且那些greek historian根本都没有去过巴比伦。
    2.有一个叫H的人,建立过a wide variety  of complex buildings, 所以也有可能建造了空中花园  2.the only materials for the building are clays,但是clay很快就被水eroted了,而花园必须需要很多水,所以clay不能被拿来盖花园,而其他的材料都很难获得。
    3.有的archaeologists discovery some ruins match the description of the hanging gardens,所以可能存在过   3.这些ruin都far away from the resources of the water,所以为什么那么需要水的花园要建造在距离水源那么远的地方呢?
    题目  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for teachers to help the students become more interested in the subjects is to explain the help in the lives outside of school.
    简析  题目当有绝对词best,毫无疑问,用偏分的写法比较合适。课上都有讲过方法,这类文章大家应该写起来比较得心应手吧。
    参考思路  1. Our interest in a subject is influenced by many things. For subjects with direct, practical applications outside of school, this extracurricular significance may be a huge factor in determining a student's interest in it. In these cases, it would be suitable to teach them about the subject's significance outside of school.比如:会计,土木工程,电机工程等实用专业。

    2. Teaching students about a subject's extracurricular significance is important, but for some subjects, there are better ways of stoking their interest.比如艺术专业,艺术具有很小的实用性。对于一些没有灵感的艺术课程,最好的办法不是让他们学习艺术的课外意义,而是激发他们的灵感,让 他们处于一种兴奋的状态。

    3. 哲学也是如此。在西方的传统中,哲学是一门实际运用学科。但是当现在人们听说你是哲学系毕业的话,就会肃然起敬了吧,很正常,哲学这个单词来源于 philosophia, 即爱智慧的学问。爱智慧的学问并没有太大的实际意义,所以学生对于这种学科不感冒的事实并不会因此而改变。

    Our interest in a subject is influenced by many things. For subjects with direct, practical applications outside of school, this extracurricular significance may be a huge factor in determining a student's interest in it. In these cases, it would be suitable to teach them about the subject's significance outside of school. For subjects that don't have many practical applications, however, this may not be the case.
    For a subject like art, for example, teaching students about its significance outside of school may actually have the opposite effect. Art has very little practical utility, and I say this as someone who absolutely loves art. It is a fairly noncontroversial viewpoint, reinforced by the fact that art funding is universally one of the first things sent to the chopping block during government budget crunches. Its true significance is even debated by those in the art world--this is something I can personally attest to, having been party to many of these debates while studying art during my M.A. program. For those not already inspired by art classes, learning about art's extracurricular significance is probably not going to be the best way to get them excited about it.
    The same could be said of philosophy. Philosophy, at least in the Western tradition, used to have practical applications. That was several hundred years ago, back when science still comprised a branch of philosophy. Nowadays, people will reflexively cringe when they hear you have a philosophy degree. And who could blame them? Philosophy is almost by definition an airy pursuit--its name comes from the term "philosophia", Greek for "the love of wisdom". Loving wisdom is not an employable skill-set, and I have a feeling that teaching students about this lack of practical utility will do little to sway the unconverted. Why should they get excited about a subject with no obvious use?
    These are both subjects near and dear to my heart, and I think it would be a shame if more people were not adequately exposed to them. I think the best way to get students interested in these subjects, however, is not to talk about their grander significance outside of school, but to make them more immediate and personal. Studying Buddhist philosophy helped me to detach myself from a life focused on material gain. Experiencing Mark Rothko's massive color-field paintings gave me personal insight during a difficult period of depression. These are two ways in which more personal encounters can deepen a person's interest in them, and it's far more impactful and longer-lasting than.
    Teaching students about a subject's extracurricular significance is important, but for some subjects, there are better ways of stoking their interest.

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